Telescopes with Radio TechnologyThere are many technologies
being implemented in telescopes like radio technology, optical technology
etc. Telescopes that use radio technology are also called as radio telescopes.
These types of telescopes are mainly used for research purposes rather than as a hobby. A radio telescope is a sort of radio antenna used for the purpose of radio astronomy in order to gather data from satellites and various space probes. Radio telescopes gather data from radio sources and they target the radio frequency part of the electromagnetic spectrum unlike optical telescopes. Talking about the shape of a radio telescope, these are usually large dish antennas supplemented by various telescopes having common direction. To avoid electromagnetic interference that could be caused because of
local radio, TV or other electromagnetic waves emitting devices, these
radio telescopes are planted at a long distance far from populated areas.
Hence they avoid electromagnetic interference. This strategy is also similar to the one used for optical telescopes. You will notice that almost all of the major optical telescopes or VLT (very large telescopes) are located far from the populated areas in order to avoid light population, especially at night. But radio telescopes are slightly different from optical telescope because they also have to obtain shield from other electromagnetic interferences. For the information of all of the beginners that are interested in astronomy; many celestial objects are capable of emitting radiations at various radio wavelengths which can be captured through various radio antennas. Because of this reason, radio telescopes are capable of gathering these wavelengths and are capable of forming images of really interesting astronomical objects like galaxies, planets and different nebulae. All planets emit some radiations at various radio wavelengths. Many people, specifically the beginners, are not aware of the importance of radio telescope in today’s astronomy. Today, radio telescopes are playing a vital role as they help in tracking different satellite information in space. This information helps us in various regards. For instance, this information gives us an insight of what is going around us or in other words, what is going around our earth. Moreover, this information also gives us an insight of what is going in our own home; earth like tracking important and dangerous weather events like tornadoes, hurricanes, storms etc. Current radio telescopes have warned us about the effects of global warming. These radio telescopes provide much and display a bit less unlike optical telescope that provides much to see. These radio telescopes are usually meant for providing the astronomers with radio information sent by different objects in the sky. One of the largest radio telescopes, today, is located in India in the city of Pune. It is also called as the Metrewave Radio Telescope. There are many other major radio telescopes in the world like the one that is being constructed in Europe having more than 25 thousand small antennas spread around an area of hundreds of kilometres. Undoubtedly, radio telescopes are playing vital role today and are really essential as well. This is because we want to study more about our world and its surroundings.. These advancements are helping the mankind to know more about the place
where they live. The technology has evolved and will keep on evolving
to provide us as much information about our world and its surrounding
as possible.